HICOOL 2024: Where Innovation Takes Flight and Entrepreneurs Soar

Meta Description: HICOOL 2024, a global entrepreneurship summit in Beijing, attracted thousands of startups, investors, and industry leaders, fostering innovation and driving new economic growth. Discover the key highlights, including the expanded Global Entrepreneurship Competition, industry-specific stages, and the launch of the Global Top Entrepreneurship Competition Alliance.

Imagine this: You're surrounded by a vibrant community of passionate entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts, all buzzing with excitement about the future of innovation. This is the atmosphere at HICOOL, a global entrepreneurship summit held in Beijing, where groundbreaking ideas take flight and ambitious dreams become reality.

The 2024 edition of HICOOL, themed "New Quality Leading Innovation Integration," delivered on its promise of fostering a dynamic ecosystem for entrepreneurs to connect, collaborate, and accelerate their ventures. A key highlight was the expansion of the Global Entrepreneurship Competition, which saw a record-breaking 200 winners, showcasing the immense talent pool vying for a piece of the exciting innovation landscape.

This article delves into the heart of HICOOL 2024, unveiling the key highlights, unique features, and the powerful impact it has on the global entrepreneurial landscape. We'll explore the summit's key themes, innovative initiatives, and the critical role it plays in propelling the development of new technologies and industries. Join us as we journey into the world of HICOOL, where innovation takes flight and entrepreneurs soar!

HICOOL Global Entrepreneurship Competition: A Launchpad for Innovation

The HICOOL Global Entrepreneurship Competition is the heart and soul of the summit, attracting thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs from across the globe. This year, the competition witnessed a significant expansion, increasing the number of winners from 140 to 200. This expansion underscores Beijing's unwavering commitment to nurturing and supporting promising startups.

Here's what made the competition so special:

  • Global Reach: The competition attracted 24,171 entrepreneurial projects from 145 countries and regions, highlighting its global appeal.
  • Diverse Sectors: The competition spanned a wide range of sectors, including artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), healthcare, new-generation information technology, high-end equipment, new energy, new materials, cultural creativity, agricultural technology, and food technology, showcasing the breadth of innovation taking place.
  • Positive Impact: The competition has yielded impressive results, with 720 winning projects to date, including 16 unicorn companies and 127 "specialized, refined, special, and new" enterprises. These projects have attracted over 36 billion yuan in post-competition financing, demonstrating their remarkable potential for growth.

The HICOOL Global Entrepreneurship Competition isn't just about the prize money; it's about providing a platform for entrepreneurs to connect with potential investors, mentors, and industry partners, driving their ventures to new heights.

A Comprehensive Ecosystem for Entrepreneurs: "政产学研资用" (Government, Industry, Academia, Research, Capital, Application)

HICOOL goes beyond a traditional conference format, providing a comprehensive ecosystem for entrepreneurs to thrive. The summit strategically connects key players within the "政产学研资用" (Government, Industry, Academia, Research, Capital, Application) framework, ensuring entrepreneurs have access to everything they need to succeed.

Here's how HICOOL's "5+1" special sections and diverse events fostered collaboration:

  • HICOOL Meeting Room: This dedicated space facilitated discussions between entrepreneurs and government representatives from Beijing's Shunyi, Changping, and Economic Development Zones, fostering potential partnerships and driving local development.
  • Venture Capital Matching Stage: The stage brought together global investors and promising startups, providing a unique opportunity for funding and strategic partnerships. The stage focused on "scarce targets" across various industries, including commercial aerospace, domestic computing GPU, large language models, digital healthcare, and semiconductors, attracting significant attention from investors.
  • Industry Matching Stage: This stage connected entrepreneurs with industry giants and experts, forging collaborations and exploring potential applications for innovative technologies. Prominent participants included companies like Jidu Auto, NIO, Xiaomi Auto, the National New Energy Vehicle Technology Innovation Center, Anzhen Hospital, and Beijing University of Technology.
  • Fusion Innovation Stage: Over 150 innovative projects, including winners from the HICOOL Global Entrepreneurship Competition, Hong Kong and Macau science and technology projects, and outstanding exhibition projects, presented their ideas to investors, large companies, potential partners, industry incubation parks, and media.
  • Overseas Innovation Stage: This platform connected entrepreneurs with international partners and resources, fostering globalization and expanding opportunities. The stage hosted events like the Australia Innovation Ecosystem and China-Australia Business Market Expansion Exchange, the International Agricultural Products Trade and Cross-border Agricultural Investment Forum, the China-Germany HICOOL Special Event, and the Going Global Forum, bringing together government representatives, international executives, entrepreneurs, and industry experts from over 30 countries.
  • HICOOL Investor Lounge: This exclusive space facilitated one-on-one meetings between entrepreneurs and prominent investment institutions such as Sequoia China, Hillhouse Ventures (GL Ventures), ZhenFund, Shunyi Investment Fund, Shougang Development, and Co-founding Venture Capital, providing a direct link between capital and innovation.

By integrating these diverse elements, HICOOL creates a dynamic environment where entrepreneurs can access the resources, connections, and support they need to transform their ideas into impactful businesses.

A Global Network of Innovation: "Global Friends Circle" Expands

HICOOL's influence extends far beyond the physical event, with a growing network of global partners. The summit has forged partnerships with 161 organizations worldwide, creating a "Global Friends Circle" that fosters cross-border collaboration and promotes international innovation.

Here are some key initiatives showcasing HICOOL's global reach:

  • Global Top Entrepreneurship Competition Alliance: HICOOL took a significant step towards global cooperation by launching the Global Top Entrepreneurship Competition Alliance at the summit. This alliance brings together leading entrepreneurship competitions and summits worldwide, including the European Technology Innovation Exhibition, the Mobile World Congress, the Asian Berlin Summit, the North American Entrepreneurship Summit, and the International Deep Science Entrepreneurship Competition. This alliance aims to provide a platform for cross-border dialogue, ecosystem collaboration, and a wider stage for entrepreneurs to showcase their talents.
  • International Partnerships: HICOOL has established partnerships with organizations in over 30 countries, including Australia, Thailand, Singapore, and Germany. This collaboration led to the organization of five high-level thematic forums at the summit, covering 31 topics. The forums focused on global strategies, overseas go-to-market approaches, and other crucial topics, bringing together government representatives, international executives, entrepreneurs, and industry experts from around the world.

Through these partnerships, HICOOL aims to connect entrepreneurs with global markets, resources, and opportunities, propelling innovation on a global scale.

Unlocking "New Quality Productivity" : Innovation Drives Economic Growth

HICOOL serves as a showcase for the transformative power of innovation, showcasing how new technologies and ideas can drive economic growth and create a more sustainable future.

Here are some examples of the "New Quality Productivity" showcased at HICOOL 2024:

  • 卓镭激光 (Zhuolei Laser): This company developed a super-powerful laser that can replace imported alternatives, demonstrating advancements in domestic manufacturing and technological independence.
  • 星河动力 (Xinghe Power): This company unveiled the "智神星一号" (Zhi Shen Xing Yi Hao) reusable rocket model, representing a significant step forward in space exploration and technology development.
  • MiniMax 海螺 AI (MiniMax Hailu AI): This company showcased its multi-modal large language model, highlighting the rapid advancements in AI technology and its potential to revolutionize industries.
  • 思灵 X-SPA 理疗机器人 (SLX-SPA Therapy Robot): This innovative robot provides physiotherapy services, reflecting the growing adoption of robotics in healthcare and its potential to improve patient care.

These projects, along with the 16 unicorn companies and 127 specialized, refined, special, and new enterprises showcased at HICOOL, exemplify the transformative potential of innovation.

Beyond the Summit: HICOOL's Lasting Impact

HICOOL’s influence extends far beyond the three-day event. The summit provides a lasting impact by:

  • Creating a Thriving Ecosystem: The summit fosters a dynamic ecosystem where entrepreneurs can connect, collaborate, and access resources needed to launch and grow their businesses.
  • Driving Economic Growth: The summit highlights the key role of innovation in driving economic growth and creating new industries and jobs.
  • Building Global Partnerships: By fostering collaborations between entrepreneurs, investors, corporations, and government agencies, the summit strengthens ties between China and other nations, promoting global innovation and development.

The HICOOL summit truly embodies the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship, serving as a beacon of hope for a brighter future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is HICOOL?

HICOOL is a global entrepreneurship summit held annually in Beijing, China. It's a platform for entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders to connect, collaborate, and accelerate innovation.

Q2: What is the theme of HICOOL 2024?

The theme of HICOOL 2024 was "New Quality Leading Innovation Integration." This theme emphasized the importance of high-quality innovation and its role in driving economic growth.

Q3: What are some key highlights of HICOOL 2024?

Key highlights included the expanded Global Entrepreneurship Competition, with 200 winners; the “5+1” special sections and events that facilitated industry-specific connections and collaborations; the launch of the Global Top Entrepreneurship Competition Alliance; and the showcase of "New Quality Productivity" projects that demonstrated the transformative power of innovation.

Q4: What is "政产学研资用" (Government, Industry, Academia, Research, Capital, Application)?

This framework highlights the importance of integrating government support, industry collaboration, academic research, capital investment, and application deployment for successful innovation. HICOOL emphasizes this framework by creating platforms for connecting these key players.

Q5: How can I get involved in HICOOL?

You can follow HICOOL's official website and social media channels for updates on future events and opportunities to participate. You can also explore the various initiatives and partnerships that HICOOL promotes to connect with the global entrepreneurial community.

Q6: What is the significance of HICOOL for the global entrepreneurship landscape?

HICOOL plays a vital role in fostering a dynamic global entrepreneurship landscape. By bringing together entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders, the summit promotes cross-border collaboration, drives innovation, and accelerates the development of new technologies and industries.


HICOOL 2024 was a resounding success, showcasing the transformative power of innovation and the boundless potential of entrepreneurship. The summit served as a vital platform for connecting ambitious entrepreneurs with the resources, partners, and support they need to turn their ideas into reality. As HICOOL continues to grow and evolve, it will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of innovation and driving economic growth on a global scale. We can expect to see even more exciting developments and groundbreaking ideas emerge from this dynamic ecosystem in the years to come.